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Storybooks Canada, Mbili


https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0271/02.jpg" alt="A boy holding a banana in each hand and a dog jumping up."/>

Mikono miwili midogo ya kushikia.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0271/03.jpg" alt="A boy and girl playing football in a field, and a dog joining in."/>

Miguu miwili midogo ya kupigia.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0271/04.jpg" alt="A boy standing on a sofa looking out of a window and a dog sitting on the windowsill next to him."/>

Macho mawili madogo ya kuonea.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0271/05.jpg" alt="A boy sitting on a woman's lap listening to a story, and a dog and toddler listening, too."/>

Masikio mawili madogo ya kusikia.

https://storybookscanada.ca/images/0271/06.jpg" alt="A boy sitting in bed cuddling a toddler and two dogs sitting next to them."/>

Na mikono miwili ya KUKUMBATIA kwa upendo!

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Mbili Two Dos Deux Dwa

Wewe ni mzuri sana - You are very beautiful.

A boy holding a banana in each hand and a dog jumping up.

Mikono miwili midogo ya kushikia. Hands|two|small||to hold Two small hands to hold. Deux petites mains à tenir.

A boy and girl playing football in a field, and a dog joining in.

Miguu miwili midogo ya kupigia. ||||to propel Two small ringing feet. Deux petits pieds sonnants.

A boy standing on a sofa looking out of a window and a dog sitting on the windowsill next to him.

Macho mawili madogo ya kuonea. Eyes|two|small eyes||"to see" Two small eyes to see.

A boy sitting on a woman's lap listening to a story, and a dog and toddler listening, too.

Masikio mawili madogo ya kusikia. two small ears||||hearing Two small ears to hear.

A boy sitting in bed cuddling a toddler and two dogs sitting next to them.

Na mikono miwili ya KUKUMBATIA kwa upendo! |arms|||embracing with love||love And two hands to HUG with love!