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LingQ Mini Stories, 9- Jina Lake Ni Rebeca

Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya.

Jina la mchumba wake ni Rebeca.

Ibrahim anataka kumuandalia Rebeca chakula cha usiku.

Anaenda katika duka la vyakula.

Ibrahim anachukua kikapu na mkokoteni.

Anatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani.

Anaangalia samaki ndani ya friji.

Anasimama karibu na dirisha la saladi.

Mwisho, anaondoka dukani humo.

Ibrahim anaenda nyumbani na kuagiza piza.

Hii ni hadithi hiyo, ikisimuliwa na Ibrahim.

Nina mchumba mpya.

Jina lake ni Rebeca.

Ninataka kuandaa chakula cha jioni kwa ajili ya Rebeca.

Ninaenda katika duka la vyakula.

Ninachukua kikapu na mkokoteni.

Ninatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani.

Ninaangalia samaki ndani ya friji.

Ninasimama karibu na dirisha la saladi.

Mwisho, nikaondoka dukani humo.

Nikaenda nyumbani na kuagiza piza.


1) Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya anaeitwa Rebeca. Je, Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya? Ndiyo, Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya. Jina lake ni Rebeca.

2) Ibrahim anataka kumuandalia Rebeca chakula cha usiku. Je, Ibrahim anataka kuandaa chakula cha mchana kwa ajili ya Rebeca? Hapana, Ibrahim hataki kuandaa chakula cha mchana kwa ajili ya Rebeca. Anataka kumuandalia chakula cha usiku.

3) Ibrahim anaenda katika duka la vyakula kununua vyakula. Je, Ibrahim alienda katika duka la vyakula? Ndiyo, Ibrahim alienda katika duka la vyakula kununua vyakula.

4) Ibrahim anatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani. Je, Ibrahim alinunua mboga za majani? Hapana, Ibrahim hakununua mboga za majani. Alitembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani.

5) Ibrahim anaangalia samaki ndani ya friji, lakini hakununua yoyote. Je, Ibrahim aliangalia samaki? Ndiyo, Ibrahim aliangalia samaki ndani ya friji, lakini hakununua yoyote.

6) Ibrahim mwisho anaondoka dukani humo na kwenda nyumbani. Je, Ibrahim alibaki dukani? Hapana, Ibrahim mwisho aliondoka dukani na kwenda nyumbani.

7) Ibrahim anaagiza piza badala yake. Je, Ibrahim aliandaa chakula cha usiku? Hapana, Ibrahim hakuandaa chakula cha usiku. Aliagiza piza badala yake.

Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya. ||Freundin| Ibrahim|has|fiancée| Ibrahim har en ny flickvän.||fästmö| |tiene|novia nueva| Andy has a new girlfriend. Ibrahim a une nouvelle petite amie.

Jina la mchumba wake ni Rebeca. Name||fiancé|her fiancé||Rebecca |||||Rebeca |de|||es| His girlfriend's name is Sara. Le nom de sa fiancée est Rebeca.

Ibrahim anataka kumuandalia Rebeca chakula cha usiku. ||ein Abendessen zubere||Essen|| ||prepare for her|||dinner food| |quiere|prepararle||comida|de| Andy wants to make dinner for Sara. Ibrahim veut préparer le dîner pour Rebeca.

Anaenda katika duka la vyakula. He is going|to the|||groceries ||||matbutik |a la|Tienda|| He goes to the grocery store. Il va à l'épicerie.

Ibrahim anachukua kikapu na mkokoteni. ||den Korb||Wagenheber Ibrahim takes basket|is taking|basket|and|handcart ||||kärra |toma|cesta|y|carretilla Andy gets a basket and a cart. Ibrahim prend le panier et la charrette. Ibrahim neemt de mand en de kar.

Anatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani. |vorbei an|Reihe||||Blattgemüse He walks|passing through|row|of|vegetables|of|leafy vegetables ||||||grönsaker Está caminando||fila||verduras|| Er geht an einer Reihe grüner Gemüsesorten vorbei. He walks past the vegetable aisle. Il passe devant une rangée de légumes verts. Hij loopt langs een rij groene groenten.

Anaangalia samaki ndani ya friji. sie schaut||||dem Kühlschrank She is looking|fish|inside|at|fridge |fisk||| He looks at the fish in the freezer. Il regarde le poisson dans le frigo.

Anasimama karibu na dirisha la saladi. steht|||Fenster|| He stands|near|"by"|window|of the|salad bar Hon står|||fönster||salladsfönstret He stands near the salad counter. Il se tient près de la vitrine à salade. Hij staat bij het saladeraam.

Mwisho, anaondoka dukani humo. Ende|geht weg||dort Finally|is leaving|the shop|there Slutligen|lämnar||där inne Schließlich verlässt er den Laden. Finally, he leaves the store. Finalement, il quitte le magasin.

Ibrahim anaenda nyumbani na kuagiza piza. ||||Pizza bestellen| Ibrahim goes home|going|home||order|pizza ||||beställa| Andy goes home and orders pizza. Ibrahim rentre chez lui et commande une pizza. Ibrahim gaat naar huis en bestelt een pizza.

Hii ni hadithi hiyo, ikisimuliwa na Ibrahim. This is|||||| Here is the same story told in a different way. C'est l'histoire racontée par Ibrahim.

Nina mchumba mpya. I have|fiancé/fiancée| I have a new girlfriend.

Jina lake ni Rebeca. |lake|| Her name is Sara.

Ninataka kuandaa chakula cha jioni kwa ajili ya Rebeca. ||||||für|| I want|prepare||for dinner|dinner||for the sake|| |förbereda||||||| I want to make dinner for Sara. Je veux préparer le dîner pour Rebeca.

Ninaenda katika duka la vyakula. I am going|in||| I go to the grocery store.

Ninachukua kikapu na mkokoteni. "I am taking"|basket||handcart I get a basket and a cart.

Ninatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani. I am walking|passing through||||| Jag går|||||| I walk past the vegetable aisle.

Ninaangalia samaki ndani ya friji. I am looking|||| I look at the fish in the freezer.

Ninasimama karibu na dirisha la saladi. I am standing|||window|the| Jag står||||| I stand near the salad counter. Je me tiens près de la vitrine à salade.

Mwisho, nikaondoka dukani humo. |I left||there |jag lämnade|| Finally, I leave the store.

Nikaenda nyumbani na kuagiza piza. I went|home||order| Jag gick|||| I go home and order pizza.

Maswali. Questions Questions:

1) Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya anaeitwa Rebeca. ||fiancée||is called| ||||heter| One: Andy has a new girlfriend named Sara. Je, Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya? I|||| Does Andy have a new girlfriend? Ndiyo, Ibrahim ana mchumba mpya. Yes|||| Yes, Andy has a new girlfriend. Jina lake ni Rebeca. |her|| Her name is Sara.

2) Ibrahim anataka kumuandalia Rebeca chakula cha usiku. |||||of| Two: Andy wants to make Sara dinner. 2) Ibrahim veut préparer le dîner pour Rebeca. Je, Ibrahim anataka kuandaa chakula cha mchana kwa ajili ya Rebeca? |||zubereiten||||||| |||prepare|||lunch|||| Does Andy want to make lunch for Sara? Hapana, Ibrahim hataki kuandaa chakula cha mchana kwa ajili ya Rebeca. ||does not want|||||||| No, Andy does not want to make lunch for Sara. Anataka kumuandalia chakula cha usiku. |ein Abendessen zubere||| |prepare for him||| He wants to make her dinner.

3) Ibrahim anaenda katika duka la vyakula kununua vyakula. ||in||||| Ibrahim goes to|||store|||to buy| Three: Andy goes to the grocery store to buy food. Je, Ibrahim alienda katika duka la vyakula? ||"Did Ibrahim go"|||| ||gick|||| Does Andy go to the grocery store? Ndiyo, Ibrahim alienda katika duka la vyakula kununua vyakula. ||"he went"|to the||||| Yes, Andy goes to the grocery store to buy food.

4) Ibrahim anatembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani. Four: Andy walks past the vegetable section. Je, Ibrahim alinunua mboga za majani? Does Andy buy vegetables? Hapana, Ibrahim hakununua mboga za majani. ||did not buy||| No, Andy does not buy vegetables. Alitembea kupita safu ya mboga za majani. He walked|||||| Han gick|||||| He walks past the vegetable section.

5) Ibrahim anaangalia samaki ndani ya friji, lakini hakununua yoyote. ||||||but||any fish ||||||||någon av dem Five: Andy looks at the fish in the freezer, but he doesn't buy any. Je, Ibrahim aliangalia samaki? ||hat Ibrahim| ||"Did Ibrahim look"| ||tittade på| Does Andy look at the fish? Ndiyo, Ibrahim aliangalia samaki ndani ya friji, lakini hakununua yoyote. ||looked at||||the fridge||| Yes, Andy looks at the fish in the freezer, but he doesn't buy any.

6) Ibrahim mwisho anaondoka dukani humo na kwenda nyumbani. ||||||to go| Six: Andy finally leaves the store and goes home. Je, Ibrahim alibaki dukani? ||ist geblieben| ||"Did Ibrahim stay"| ||stannade kvar| Does Andy stay in the store? Hapana, Ibrahim mwisho aliondoka dukani na kwenda nyumbani. |||"he left"|||| |||lämnade|||| No, Andy finally leaves the store and goes home. Non, Ibrahim a finalement quitté le magasin et est rentré chez lui.

7) Ibrahim anaagiza piza badala yake. |||statt| |orders|pizza|"instead of it"|instead of it |beställer||istället för| 7) Ibrahim bestellt stattdessen Pizza. Seven: Andy orders pizza instead. 7) Ibrahim commande une pizza à la place. Je, Ibrahim aliandaa chakula cha usiku? ||hat vorbereitet||| ||prepared||| ||förberedde||| Does Andy make dinner? Ibrahim a-t-il préparé le dîner ? Hapana, Ibrahim hakuandaa chakula cha usiku. ||did not prepare||| ||förberedde inte||| No, Andy does not make dinner. Aliagiza piza badala yake. He ordered||"instead of"|"instead of it" Beställde||| He orders pizza instead.