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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 1-30, Psalmus 028

Psalmus 028

1 Psalmus David, in consummatione tabernaculi. Afferte Domino, filii Dei, afferte Domino filios arietum. 2 Afferte Domino gloriam et honorem ; afferte Domino gloriam nomini ejus ; adorate Dominum in atrio sancto ejus. 3 Vox Domini super aquas ; Deus majestatis intonuit : Dominus super aquas multas. 4 Vox Domini in virtute ; vox Domini in magnificentia. 5 Vox Domini confringentis cedros, et confringet Dominus cedros Libani : 6 et comminuet eas, tamquam vitulum Libani, et dilectus quemadmodum filius unicornium. 7 Vox Domini intercidentis flammam ignis ; 8 vox Domini concutientis desertum : et commovebit Dominus desertum Cades. 9 Vox Domini præparantis cervos : et revelabit condensa, et in templo ejus omnes dicent gloriam. 10 Dominus diluvium inhabitare facit, et sedebit Dominus rex in æternum. 11 Dominus virtutem populo suo dabit ; Dominus benedicet populo suo in pace.

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Psalmus 028 Psalm 028 Psalm 028 Salmo 028 詩篇028 Псалом 028 诗篇 028

1 Psalmus David, in consummatione tabernaculi. |||completion|of the tabernacle 1 A Psalm of David, at the end of the tabernacle. Afferte Domino, filii Dei, afferte Domino filios arietum. bring|||||||of the rams Ofereçam ao Senhor||||Ofereçam ao Senhor|||carneiros jovens Bring to the Lord, you sons of God, bring to the Lord the sons of rams. 2 Afferte Domino gloriam et honorem ; afferte Domino gloriam nomini ejus ; adorate Dominum in atrio sancto ejus. ||||honor||||||worship the Lord|||his holy court|| 2 Bring glory and honor to the Lord; bring glory to the Lord for his name. worship the Lord in his holy court. 3 Vox Domini super aquas ; Deus majestatis intonuit : Dominus super aquas multas. |||||of majesty|thundered|||| ||||||trovejou|||| 3 The voice of the Lord over the waters; The God of majesty thundered: The Lord over many waters. 4 Vox Domini in virtute ; vox Domini in magnificentia. |||power||||majesty 4 The voice of the Lord in power; the voice of the Lord in magnificence. 5 Vox Domini confringentis cedros, et confringet Dominus cedros Libani : 6 et comminuet eas, tamquam vitulum Libani, et dilectus quemadmodum filius unicornium. ||of the Lord breaking|the cedars||will break|||of Lebanon||he will break|them|like a calf|calf||||like|| ||quebrando|||quebrará|Senhor||||esmagará|||bezerro do Líbano||||como|| 5 The voice of the Lord breaking the cedars, and the Lord will break the cedars of Lebanon. 7 Vox Domini intercidentis flammam ignis ; 8 vox Domini concutientis desertum : et commovebit Dominus desertum Cades. ||of the Lord|flame||||shaking|||will shake|||Kadesh ||interrompendo|chama de fogo||||sacudindo o deserto|||agitará||| 7 The voice of the Lord interrupting the flame of fire; 8 the voice of the Lord shaking the desert: and the Lord will shake the desert of Kadesh. 9 Vox Domini præparantis cervos : et revelabit condensa, et in templo ejus omnes dicent gloriam. ||of the preparer|deer||will reveal|the hidden||||||| |||Os cervos|||matagal denso||||||| 9 The voice of the Lord preparing the deer: and he will reveal the dross, and in his temple all will say glory. 10 Dominus diluvium inhabitare facit, et sedebit Dominus rex in æternum. |the flood|to inhabit|||will sit|||| ||||e|reinará|||| 10 The Lord causes the flood to dwell, and the Lord the king will sit forever. 11 Dominus virtutem populo suo dabit ; Dominus benedicet populo suo in pace. |strength|||||will bless|||| 11 The Lord will give strength to his people; The Lord will bless his people in peace.