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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 1-30, Psalmus 016

Psalmus 016

1 Oratio David. Exaudi, Domine, justitiam meam ; intende deprecationem meam. Auribus percipe orationem meam, non in labiis dolosis. 2 De vultu tuo judicium meum prodeat ; oculi tui videant æquitates. 3 Probasti cor meum, et visitasti nocte ; igne me examinasti, et non est inventa in me iniquitas. 4 Ut non loquatur os meum opera hominum : propter verba labiorum tuorum, ego custodivi vias duras. 5 Perfice gressus meos in semitis tuis, ut non moveantur vestigia mea. 6 Ego clamavi, quoniam exaudisti me, Deus ; inclina aurem tuam mihi, et exaudi verba mea. 7 Mirifica misericordias tuas, qui salvos facis sperantes in te. 8 A resistentibus dexteræ tuæ custodi me ut pupillam oculi. Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me 9 a facie impiorum qui me afflixerunt. Inimici mei animam meam circumdederunt ; 10 adipem suum concluserunt : os eorum locutum est superbiam. 11 Projicientes me nunc circumdederunt me ; oculos suos statuerunt declinare in terram. 12 Susceperunt me sicut leo paratus ad prædam, et sicut catulus leonis habitans in abditis. 13 Exsurge, Domine : præveni eum, et supplanta eum : eripe animam meam ab impio ; frameam tuam 14 ab inimicis manus tuæ. Domine, a paucis de terra divide eos in vita eorum ; de absconditis tuis adimpletus est venter eorum. Saturati sunt filiis, et dimiserunt reliquias suas parvulis suis. 15 Ego autem in justitia apparebo conspectui tuo ; satiabor cum apparuerit gloria tua.

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Psalmus 016 Psalm 016 Psalm 016 Salmo 016 Salmo 016

1 Oratio David. David's Prayer| 1 The prayer of David. Exaudi, Domine, justitiam meam ; intende deprecationem meam. Hear||my justice|"my"|"Attend to"|"my supplication"| Hear the right, O Lord, have I put my trust; attend to my cry. Услышь, Господи, справедливость мою; обдумай мою просьбу. Auribus percipe orationem meam, non in labiis dolosis. "With ears"|"Receive" or "perceive"|"my speech"|||||deceitful lips ¶ Give ye ear unto my prayer, which proceedeth not from deceitful lips. Слушайте мою молитву ушами, а не лживыми устами. 2 De vultu tuo judicium meum prodeat ; oculi tui videant æquitates. |"face" or "countenance"||"judgment" or "decision"||"come forth"|"eyes"||"may see"|"equities" or "just decisions" |||||"provenha"||||equidades justas 2 Let You are my Lord; Thine eyes shall see the thing that is equal. 2 Пусть мой суд исходит от твоего лица; пусть глаза твои увидят справедливость. 3 Probasti cor meum, et visitasti nocte ; igne me examinasti, et non est inventa in me iniquitas. You tested||||"you visited"|at night|"by fire"||"you tested"||||found in me|||"iniquity" Testaste||||||||||||foi encontrada||| 3 proved my heart, and at night; thou hast tried me, and shalt find no wickedness in me. 3 Ты испытал мое сердце и посетил меня ночью; Ты огнём исследовал меня, и не нашлось во мне никакого беззакония. 4 Ut non loquatur os meum opera hominum : propter verba labiorum tuorum, ego custodivi vias duras. "So that"||"may speak"|my mouth||works of men|of men||words of lips|"of your lips"|"of your lips"||"I have kept"|"ways" or "paths"|harsh paths |||||||por causa de|||||guardei|caminhos difíceis|caminhos difíceis 4 may not speak my mouth men because of the words will I my lips. 4 Чтобы уста мои не говорили дел человеческих: из-за слов уст Твоих я держал пути трудные. 5 Perfice gressus meos in semitis tuis, ut non moveantur vestigia mea. "Make perfect"|steps|||paths|"your" or "your paths"|"so that"||"be moved"|my footsteps|"my" Complete|passos|||caminhos teus||||se movam|| 5 The Lord is my heritage and that no footsteps. 5 Совершите шаги мои на путях ваших, чтобы шаги мои не могли сдвинуться с места. 6 Ego clamavi, quoniam exaudisti me, Deus ; inclina aurem tuam mihi, et exaudi verba mea. |"I cried out"|"for"|You have heard|||"incline"|"your ear"||||hear|| 6 The lines have fallen to me, God; give ear to me and hear my words. 6 Я воскликнул, потому что Ты услышал меня, Боже; приклони ко Мне ухо Твое и услышь слова Мои. 7 Mirifica misericordias tuas, qui salvos facis sperantes in te. "Wonderful" or "marvelous"|mercies|"your"||"safe" or "saved"|"you save"|"hoping in"|| Maravilhosas|||||||| 7 wonderful mercies save those who trust in you. 7 Подивись милосердию Твоему, спасающему надеющихся на Тебя. 8 A resistentibus dexteræ tuæ custodi me ut pupillam oculi. |"those resisting"|"right hand"|"of your"|"guard me"|||"as the apple"|of the eye |||||||menina do olho| 8 I have set Keep me as the pupil of an eye. 8 Храни меня, как зеницу ока Твоего, от противников правой руки Твоей. Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me 9 a facie impiorum qui me afflixerunt. |"shadow" or "shade"|wings|"of your"|Protect|||from the face|"of the wicked"|||"have afflicted" |sombra|asas||||||||| Under the shadow of your wings 9 from the wicked who have afflicted. Под сенью крыл Твоих защити меня 9 от лица нечестивцев, причинивших мне страдания. Inimici mei animam meam circumdederunt ; 10 adipem suum concluserunt : os eorum locutum est superbiam. "My enemies"||||"have surrounded"|their own fat|their own|"have enclosed"|||"has spoken"||pride or arrogance ||||cercaram|gordura deles||fecharam em si||||| My enemies have surrounded my soul; 10 They close their mouth they speak proudly. Мои враги окружили мою душу; 10 Они затворили тучность свою: уста их говорили гордыню. 11 Projicientes me nunc circumdederunt me ; oculos suos statuerunt declinare in terram. "Throwing out"|||"surrounded me"||||"they fixed"|"to the ground"||to the ground Atacantes|||||||fixaram||| 11 You will have now encompassed; they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth. 11 Бросив меня, они окружили меня; они устремили глаза в землю. 12 Susceperunt me sicut leo paratus ad prædam, et sicut catulus leonis habitans in abditis. "Received" or "took up"|||lion|ready||prey|||lion's cub|"of the lion"|dwelling in hiding||"in hiding places" Me pegaram||||preparado para a||presa|||filhote de leão||||esconderijos secretos 12 Like the lion of his prey, and as a young lion crouching. 12 Они схватили меня, как льва, готового на добычу, и как львенка, живущего в укрытии. 13 Exsurge, Domine : præveni eum, et supplanta eum : eripe animam meam ab impio ; frameam tuam 14 ab inimicis manus tuæ. "Arise"||"prevent him"|||"Overthrow him"||"Rescue" or "save"|||"from"|"the wicked"|your sword|||"from your enemies"|"your hand's"| |||||||"livra"|||||||||| 13 Up, Lord, disappoint him and displace him save my life from the wicked your spear 14 by your hand. 13 Восстань, Господи, воспрепятствуй ему и вытесни его: избавь душу мою от нечестивого; Я сломаю руку твою 14 от врагов твоих. Domine, a paucis de terra divide eos in vita eorum ; de absconditis tuis adimpletus est venter eorum. ||"a few"|||"separate"|"them" or "their lives"||"in their life"|||"hidden things"||"filled"||"belly" or "stomach"| |||||||||||||foi preenchido||| O Lord, From men of the world, whose portion is in this life; their belly is filled from thy hidden stores. Господи, отдели их от немногих частей земли в их жизни; их животы наполнены вашими спрятанными вещами. Saturati sunt filiis, et dimiserunt reliquias suas parvulis suis. They are filled||"to their children"||"left behind"|"their remains"|their own|"to their children"| They have children and they have left their children. Они остались довольны своими детьми и оставили останки своим малышам. 15 Ego autem in justitia apparebo conspectui tuo ; satiabor cum apparuerit gloria tua. |||righteousness|"I will appear"|"to your presence"||"I shall be satisfied"||"has appeared"|your glory| 15 I have to appear before your justice; satisfied when your glory appears. 15 Но Я предстану пред очами твоими в праведности; Я буду удовлетворен, когда явится твоя слава.