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Linguam latinam discimus - Lateinisches Übungsbuch - Latin Primer, 037 Inconstantia rerum

037 Inconstantia rerum

En! in illo colle ante tria fere saecula arx amplissima et firmissima fuit. Domini arcis viri fortissimi et nobilissimi fuerunt. Nunc illius arcis muri tantum exstant. Et in hac planitie, in qua nunc arva laeta, agros fecundos, prata viridia videmus, antiquis temporibus urbs celeberrima fuit. Multa sunt exempla inconstantiae rerum humanarum. Romani antiqui diu domini fuerunt orbis terrarum. Sed nimia potentia iis perniciosa fuit. Imprimis avaritia et luxuria causae interitus imperii Romani fuerunt. Ceterum tu quoque, quam infirmus et caducus es! Tu hodie non es, qui heri fuisti, nec cras eris , qui hodie es.

037 Inconstantia rerum "Inconstancy" or "Uncertainty"|"of things" 037 Unbeständigkeit der Dinge 037 Inconstancy of things 037 Inconstancia de las cosas 037 Inconstance des choses 037 物事の不一致 037 Inconstantie van dingen 037 Inconstância das coisas 037 Непостоянство вещей 037 Inkonstans av saker 037 Непостійність речей

En! In! En! in illo colle ante tria fere saecula arx amplissima et firmissima fuit. "on"|"in that"|"hill"|"before" or "in front of"|three|almost|centuries|fortress|very large||very strong|"there was" On that hill about three centuries before the citadel was the most extensive and most stable. Domini arcis viri fortissimi et nobilissimi fuerunt. "Lords" or "Masters"|"of the citadel"|"men" or "warriors"|"very brave"||most noble|"have been" The lords of the citadel were the most valiant and noblest men. Nunc illius arcis muri tantum exstant. "Now"|"of that"||walls|only|still stand Now only the walls of that citadel stand. Et in hac planitie, in qua nunc arva laeta, agros fecundos, prata viridia videmus, antiquis temporibus urbs celeberrima fuit. ||"in this"|plain||"in which"|"now"|fields|"fertile fields"|fertile fields|fertile fields|green meadows|green meadows|we see|"in ancient times"|"in ancient times"|city|most famous city|"was" And in this plain, in which we now see fruitful fields, fields for decades, and green meadows, the city was most famous in ancient times. Multa sunt exempla inconstantiae rerum humanarum. Many|"there are"|examples|"of instability"|"of human affairs"|"of human affairs" There are many examples of the inconstancy of human affairs. Romani antiqui diu domini fuerunt orbis terrarum. The Romans|ancient|for a long time|"masters" or "lords"|"have been"|world|"of the lands" The ancient Romans were the masters of the world for a long time. Sed nimia potentia iis perniciosa fuit. But|excessive|excessive power|"to them"|harmful| But too much power was destructive to them. Imprimis avaritia et luxuria causae interitus imperii Romani fuerunt. "First of all"|greed||extravagance|causes of|destruction|of the empire||"have been" First of all, avarice and luxury were the causes of the destruction of the Roman Empire. Ceterum tu quoque, quam infirmus et caducus es! "Moreover"|"you"|"also" or "you too"|"how"|weak and frail||frail|"you are" Besides, you too, how weak and weak you are! Tu hodie non es, qui heri fuisti, nec cras eris , qui hodie es. You|today|"not"|"you are"|who|yesterday|"you were"|"nor"|tomorrow|"you will be"|who|"today"|"you are" You are not today who you were yesterday, nor will you be tomorrow who you are today.