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Latin Odyssey, Circe continued

Circe continued

ad domum deae adveni. dea, Circe, valde pulchra erat. me in domum vocavit et poculum mihi dedit. ego bibi, sed non in suem mutavi. dea dixit: “age, conveni cum comitibus suibus!”

deinde deam oppugnavi. dea ad terram cecidit et genua mea cepit. * “quis es?” clamavit dea tristis, “quomodo herbam meam superavisti? noli me necare!” respondi: “promitte te comites meos liberare et auxilium dare nobis.” statim dea promisit. deinde sues reduxit in domo et mutavit in homines. omnes laeti erant et se salutabant. constituimus revenire ad naves et reducere ceteros comites ad domum Circae.

Circe continued |"Circe perrexit" Circe fuhr fort Circe continued Circé a continué Circe mówiła dalej Circe continuou Circe fortsatte

ad domum deae adveni. ||goddess|I arrived at I arrived at the home of the goddess. 女神の家に到着した。 bogini domu spieprzyła. dea, Circe, valde pulchra erat. goddess|Circe|very|very beautiful| The goddess, Circe, was very beautiful. 女神、キルケ、は非常に美しかった。 me in domum vocavit et poculum mihi dedit. "me"|||||cup||gave to me She called me into the house and gave me a cup. 私を家に招いてくれて、私に杯を与えてくれた。 ego bibi, sed non in suem mutavi. |I drank|"but"|||pig or swine|"changed into" I must be drunk, but not with a pig in a, I changed my. 私は飲んだが、イノシシに変わらなかった。 dea dixit: “age, conveni cum comitibus suibus!” |said|Come on|"meet with"||"companions" or "attendants"|"with your swine" the goddess said: “come, meet with her companions!” 女神は言った:「さあ、仲間たちと一緒に行こう!」 powiedziała: "Cóż, spotkałem świnie z jego towarzyszami!"

deinde deam oppugnavi. "then" or "next"|goddess|"I attacked" then I attacked the goddess. それから女神を攻撃した。 Po ataku bogini. dea ad terram cecidit et genua mea cepit. ||"the ground"|"fell"||my knees||"grasped" the goddess fell to the ground and took my knees. 女神は地面に倒れて私のひざをつかんだ。 Bogini upadła na kolana i ramiona. * “quis es?” clamavit dea tristis, “quomodo herbam meam superavisti? who||cried out||"sad" or "sorrowful"|how|my plant||You overcame * “Who are you?” the sad goddess shouted, “how did you overcome my herb? * “あなたは誰ですか?”悲しい女神が叫んだ, “どうして私の草を超えたの? * "Kim jesteś?" Bogini smutny głos, „Jak pokonałem trawę? noli me necare!” respondi: “promitte te comites meos liberare et auxilium dare nobis.” statim dea promisit. "Do not"||"to kill"||"promise to"||||"to free"||"help"|"to give"|"to us"|"immediately"||"she promised immediately" do not kill me!” I replied: “promise to free my companions and help us.” immediately the goddess promised. 私を殺さないで!”と答えた: “仲間たちを解放し、私たちに助けを与えることを約束して。” 女神はすぐに約束した。 Nie zabijaj mnie! " Odpowiedziałem: „Obiecuję, że zwolnię moich towarzyszy, pomóżcie nam”. Bogini kiedyś obiecała. deinde sues reduxit in domo et mutavit in homines. then|pigs|led back||||"changed into"||into humans then she brought back the pigs into the house and changed them into men. その後、彼は豚を家に連れて行き、人間に変えました。 Po tym, jak świnie wróciły do domu i zamieniły się w mężczyzn. omnes laeti erant et se salutabant. |happy||||were greeting each other They were all happy and greeted each other. みんな喜んでいて、お互いに挨拶しました。 byli i wszyscy z siebie zadowoleni, salutowali. constituimus revenire ad naves et reducere ceteros comites ad domum Circae. We decided|return||ships||bring back|the rest||||Circe's house We decided to return to the ships and bring back the other companions to Circe's house. 私たちは船に戻り、他の仲間たちをサキの家に連れて行くことに決めました。 Wybory miały powrócić na statki i zredukować ojczyznę Circae.