Hvorfor dræbte USA general Soleimani?
Warum haben die USA General Soleimani getötet?
Why did the US kill General Soleimani?
Pourquoi les États-Unis ont-ils tué le général Soleimani ?
Det her er den sidste video af Qassem Soleimani i live.
|||||||Qassem Soleimani|Soleimani||live
This is the last video of Qassem Soleimani alive.
Og her dør han i et målrettet missilangreb, som USA står bag.
||||||targeted|missile attack|||stands|
And here he dies in a US-led targeted missile strike.
Men hvorfor mente USA, at han skulle dø?
But why did the US think he should die?
Soleimani vokser op i et Iran allieret med Vesten.
Soleimani grew up in an Iran allied with the West.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi er shah og gode venner med amerikanerne.
Mohammad|Reza|Pahlavi||king|||||the Americans
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is Shah and good friends with the Americans.
Det var CIA, der stod bag kuppet mod hans rival, Mossadeq.
||||||the coup|||rival|Mossadeq
It was the CIA that was behind the coup against his rival, Mossadeq.
Men befolkningens utilfredshed med shahen fører til oprør i gaderne.
But|the population's|||the shah|leads to|to|rebellion||the streets
But the people's dissatisfaction with the Shah leads to riots in the streets.
I 1979 koger det over, og shahen må flygte fra Iran.
|boils over|it|||the Shah||flee||
In 1979, things boil over and the Shah is forced to flee Iran.
Den iranske revolution er i gang.
The Iranian revolution is underway.
Shahen er væltet, og Khomeini tager magten.
The Shah is overthrown and Khomeini takes power.
Han er kritisk over for Vesten, og forholdet bliver ikke bedre -
He is critical of the West and the relationship isn't getting any better
- da studerende tager 52 amerikanske ambassadefolk som gidsler i 444 dage.
||||embassy staff||hostages||
- when students take 52 US embassy staff hostage for 444 days.
Revolutionen sætter gang i den 22-årige Soleimani -
The Revolution||||||
The revolution sparks 22-year-old Soleimani
- som melder sig til den iranske revolutionsgarde.
||||||Revolutionary Guard
- who enlist in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
Da Irak og Iran indgår våbenhvile i 1988 efter otte års krig -
When Iraq and Iran signed a ceasefire in 1988 after eight years of war
- fortsætter hans karriere i det iranske militær.
- continues his career in the Iranian military.
Først i Revolutionsgarden, men fra 1998 er han chef for Quds-styrken -
||Revolutionary Garden|||||||Quds Force|force
First in the Revolutionary Guard, but from 1998 he is the commander of the Quds Force
- som er ansvarlig for internationale militære og hemmelige operationer.
- which is responsible for international military and covert operations.
Soleimani og Quds-styrkens ry når USA, men de er ikke det eneste, USA frygter.
Soleimani and the Quds Force's reputation reaches the US, but they are not the only thing the US fears.
I starten af nullerne mistænker USA Iran for at udvikle atomvåben.
|||the 2000s|suspects|||||developing|nuclear weapons
In the early noughties, the US suspects Iran of developing nuclear weapons.
Især to faciliteter vækker mistanke.
Two facilities in particular arouse suspicion.
I 2011 underskriver Obama økonomiske sanktioner mod Irans olieindustri.
||||||Iran's|oil industry
In 2011, Obama signs economic sanctions against Iran's oil industry.
Irans olieeksport falder dramatisk, og det samme gør landets indkomst.
|oil export||dramatically||||||income
Iran's oil exports are falling dramatically, and so is its income.
Iran truer med at lukke Hormuzstrædet.
|threatens to||||the Strait of Hormuz
Iran threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz.
Strædet har en afgørende betydning for verdens oliehandel -
The Street|||crucial||||oil trade
The strait is crucial to the world's oil trade
- så det er vigtigt at holde det åbent.
- so it's important to keep it open.
For at undgå en eskalering når man frem til en diplomatisk løsning.
To avoid escalation, a diplomatic solution is reached.
En atomaftale indgået mellem FN's Sikkerhedsråd, Iran og EU.
|nuclear agreement||||Security Council|||
A nuclear deal reached between the UN Security Council, Iran and the EU.
Aftalen går ud på at demontere det iranske atomprogram -
|||||dismantle|||nuclear program
The deal is to dismantle the Iranian nuclear program
- mod til gengæld at ophæve handelssanktionerne mod landet.
||||lift|trade sanctions||
- in exchange for lifting trade sanctions against the country.
Et øjeblik ligner det, at konflikten mellem USA og Iran er ved at bløde op.
For a moment, it looks like the conflict between the US and Iran is softening.
Men i 2016 får USA så en ny præsident.
But in 2016, the US will have a new president.
Og han er ikke glad for aftalen.
And he's not happy about the deal.
Han trækker derfor USA ud af den, kun tre år efter at den blev underskrevet.
He therefore pulls the US out of it, just three years after it was signed.
Trump genetablerer og forstærker handelssanktionerne mod Iran.
|reestablishes||reinforces|trade sanctions||
Trump reinstates and strengthens trade sanctions against Iran.
Det sender landet ud i den største økonomiske krise siden krigen mod Irak.
This sends the country into the biggest economic crisis since the war with Iraq.
Iran angriber USA og de allierede flere gange som svar på sanktionerne.
Iran repeatedly attacks the US and its allies in response to the sanctions.
Spændingerne mellem Iran og USA stiger og spreder i 2020 chok over hele verden.
Tensions between Iran and the US are rising and in 2020, they are spreading shocks across the world.
Amerikanerne har dræbt Soleimani.
The Americans have killed Soleimani.
Drabet kan ses som et modsvar på alle Irans angreb.
The murder|||||response|||Iran's|attacks
The killing can be seen as a response to all of Iran's attacks.
Soleimanis tilhængere går grædende på gaden og kræver hævn over USA.
Soleimani's supporters take to the streets crying and demanding revenge against the US.
Til begravelsen bliver mindst 56 mennesker endda trampet ihjel.
|the funeral|||people|even trampled|trampled to death|to death
At the funeral, at least 56 people are even trampled to death.
Hans død bliver et symbol på en 41 år lang konflikt mellem to lande.
His death becomes a symbol of a 41-year conflict between two countries.
Soleimani er et symbol, men eksperter er ikke i tvivl om -
Soleimani is a symbol, but experts have no doubt
- at en ny general står klar til at overtage hans plads.
|||general|||||take over||
- that a new general is ready to take his place.
Vi lavede den her video, fordi I spurgte efter den.
We made this video because you asked for it.
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||||suggestions||write|||the comment field
If you have any other suggestions, please leave them in the comments section.