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Who is She?, 11- Unaishi Wapi?

Ulijuaje ndugu yako anaishi hapa?

Rafiki alisema kwamba aliishi hapa.

Rafiki aliniambia mahali anaishi.

Rafiki alinipa anwani yake.

Unaishi wapi?

Naishi na wazazi wangu katika mji mwingine.

Nyumba ninayoishi, ni ya wazazi wangu.

Na lingine, uliegesha gari lako wapi?

Niliegesha karibu na kona.

Hapakuwa na mahali pa kuegesha karibu na hapa.

Uliegesha katika upande wa kulia, au upande wa kushoto wa barabara?

Niliegesha upande wa kushoto wa barabara, mbele tu ya shule.

Umeegesha kando ya lori kubwa?

Ndiyo, kwa nini?

Huruhusiwi kuegesha hapo.

Mji unakarabati barabara hapo.

Nitaenda na kuhamisha gari langu.

Tafadhali nisubiri.

Nina maswali zaidi.

Ulijuaje ndugu yako anaishi hapa? How did you know|||| How did you find out that your brother lived here?

Rafiki alisema kwamba aliishi hapa. A friend said that he lived here.

Rafiki aliniambia mahali anaishi. |told me|place| A friend told me where he lived.

Rafiki alinipa anwani yake. |gave me|address| A friend gave me his address.

Unaishi wapi? you live| Where do you live?

Naishi na wazazi wangu katika mji mwingine. I live||my parents|||city|another I live in my parents' house in another town.

Nyumba ninayoishi, ni ya wazazi wangu. |I live in|||| The house where I live belongs to my parents.

Na lingine, uliegesha gari lako wapi? |another|park||| By the way, where did you park your car?

Niliegesha karibu na kona. I parked|||corner I parked around the corner.

Hapakuwa na mahali pa kuegesha karibu na hapa. There was no|||to park|parking||| There was no place to park nearer here.

Uliegesha katika upande wa kulia, au upande wa kushoto wa barabara? ||side||right side||||left side||road Did you park on the right side of the street or on the left side of the street?

Niliegesha upande wa kushoto wa barabara, mbele tu ya shule. ||||||in front||| I parked on the left side of the street just in front of the school.

Umeegesha kando ya lori kubwa? parked|side||truck|big Did you park beside the large truck?

Ndiyo, kwa nini? Yes I did, why?

Huruhusiwi kuegesha hapo. not allowed|| You are not allowed to park there.

Mji unakarabati barabara hapo. |is repairing|| The city is fixing the road there.

Nitaenda na kuhamisha gari langu. I will go||to move|| I will go and move my car.

Tafadhali nisubiri. |please wait for me Please wait for me.

Nina maswali zaidi. I have some more questions.