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Who is She?, 10- Nilikuwa Na Shughuli

Hivyo unamaanisha kuwa wameishi pamoja kwa nusu mwaka?

Basi wao ni wapenzi.

Sijui, Ndugu yako aliacha lini kukuandikia?

Ni wiki chache tu tangu alipoacha kuniandikia.


Huyu msichana sio sababu yeye aliacha kukuandikia barua pepe.

Hiyo ni kweli nadhani.

Aliniandikia mara kwa mara hadi wiki chache zilizopita.

Kwa nini aliacha basi?

Hebu tujaribu kuchunguza kilichotokea.

Alikutumia barua pepe kwa mara ngapi?

Hilo ni ngumu kusema.

Aliandika mara nyingi sana.

Je, Wewe ulijibu kila wakati?

Wakati wote nilijaribu kumjibu kwa haraka iwezekanavyo.

Lakini ni mara ngapi hukumjibu?

Ilitegemea na kiasi cha kazi niliyokuwa nayo.

Uliandika kwa barua pepe kila wakati?

Ndio, tuliendelea kuwasiliana kwa barua pepe.

Sikuhitaji kujua ambapo aliishi.

Ulipokea barua pepe ngapi kutoka kwake kila mwezi?

Nilipata barua nyingi kila mwezi.

Nilifurahi kila wakati nilipata barua pepe zake.

Mbona hukujaribu kumtembelea mbeleni?

Nilikuwa na shughuli.

Na zaidi ya hayo, nilidhani bado alikuwa shuleni.

Hivyo unamaanisha kuwa wameishi pamoja kwa nusu mwaka? thus|you mean||lived together|||half| Do you mean they have lived together for half a year?

Basi wao ni wapenzi. So|||lovers They must be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sijui, Ndugu yako aliacha lini kukuandikia? |||left||writing to you I have no idea, When did your brother stop writing to you?

Ni wiki chache tu tangu alipoacha kuniandikia. ||few||since|he stopped| It has only been a few weeks since he stopped writing.

Unaona? Do you see You see?

Huyu msichana sio sababu yeye aliacha kukuandikia barua pepe. this|||||she stopped||| It is not because of this girl that he stopped writing emails to you.

Hiyo ni kweli nadhani. |||I think That is true, I guess.

Aliniandikia mara kwa mara hadi wiki chache zilizopita. wrote to me||||until|||a few weeks He wrote to me regularly until a few weeks ago.

Kwa nini aliacha basi? |||bus So why did he stop then?

Hebu tujaribu kuchunguza kilichotokea. let's|let's try|to investigate|what happened Well let's try to figure out what happened.

Alikutumia barua pepe kwa mara ngapi? Used you|||||how many How often did he email you?

Hilo ni ngumu kusema. that||| That is hard to say.

Aliandika mara nyingi sana. wrote||| He wrote quite often.

Je, Wewe ulijibu kila wakati? ||you answered|| Did you always answer him?

Wakati wote nilijaribu kumjibu kwa haraka iwezekanavyo. |all|I tried|to answer him||as quickly as possible|as possible I have always tried to answer him as soon as possible.

Lakini ni mara ngapi hukumjibu? ||||didn't answer But how many times did you not answer him?

Ilitegemea na kiasi cha kazi niliyokuwa nayo. It depended||amount|of|workload|I had|that I had It depended on how much work I had to do.

Uliandika kwa barua pepe kila wakati? you wrote||letter|email|| You always wrote by email?

Ndio, tuliendelea kuwasiliana kwa barua pepe. Yes|we continued|communicate||| Yes we kept in touch by email.

Sikuhitaji kujua ambapo aliishi. I didn't need||where|he lived I did not need to know where he lived.

Ulipokea barua pepe ngapi kutoka kwake kila mwezi? You received||||from||| How many emails did you get from him every month?

Nilipata barua nyingi kila mwezi. I received|||| I got lots of email every month.

Nilifurahi kila wakati nilipata barua pepe zake. I was always excited to get his emails.

Mbona hukujaribu kumtembelea mbeleni? why not|you didn't try|visit|in the future Why did you not try to visit him before?

Nilikuwa na shughuli. I was||activity I was busy.

Na zaidi ya hayo, nilidhani bado alikuwa shuleni. |||that|I thought|still|| Besides, I thought he was still away at school.