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Linguam latinam discimus - Lateinisches Übungsbuch - Latin Primer, 012 Exercitus

012 Exercitus

Robur omnis exercitus est peditatus; equitatus autem imprimis ad repentinum et vehementem impetum in hostes necessarius est. Exercitui dux strenuus et peritus belli magno usu est; nam exercitus sine duce corpus est sine spiritu. Pausanias non mores patrios solum, sed etiam cultum vestitumque mutavit. Aristides cum Themistocle de principatu certavit. Ariovistus, dux Germanorum, in consulatu Caesaris rex atque amicus a senatu Romano appellatus est. Terrae motus non raro terras vastant et oppida disturbant.

Sensus quinque numeramus. Magistratibus cura civitatis commendata est. A parvis exercitibus saepe magnae copiae superatae sunt. Terribilis impetus fortium exercituum est. Exsulta, spiritus hominis; pars spiritus dei es!

Tuba cornu non ita similis est; nam tuba directi, cornu flexi aeris est. Boum cornua cava et curva sunt; cervorum cornua sunt solida et ramis similia. Forma et magnitudo cornuum varia est. Genua iuvenum mobilia sunt; in genibus senum non est mobilitas.

Non domus domino, sed dominus domui honori est. Porticus amplae ornamenta magnarum domum divium sunt. Divites in domibus splendidis habitant. Alcibiades educatus est in domo Periclis. Sollertes manus artificum magnificas domos divitum statuis marmoreis et picturis pulchris exornant. Manus manum lavat.

Mardonius, satrapa regius, natione Medus, regis gener, inprimis omnium Persarum et manu fortis et consilii plenus, ad Plataeas non ita magna manu Graecorum fugatus est. In silva, quae post hortum domus nostrae est, pinus et quercus et fagi altae sunt. Ad quam multas artes aptae estis, manus hominum !

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012 Exercitus 012 Armee 012 Army 012 ejército 012 Armée 012 Esercito 012 Leger 012 Exército 012 Армія

Robur omnis exercitus est peditatus; equitatus autem imprimis ad repentinum et vehementem impetum in hostes necessarius est. strength|"all" or "every"|army||infantry|cavalry||||sudden||violent|sudden attack|||is necessary| And a host of infantry and of the whole of the army is; a violent attack upon the enemy with a sudden and necessary to the cavalry, however, is in the first place. 軍隊全体の強みは歩兵です。しかし、騎兵は敵に対する突然の暴力的な攻撃に特に必要です。 E uma série de infantaria e de todo o exército é; um violento ataque contra o inimigo com uma súbita e necessária para a cavalaria, no entanto, está em primeiro lugar. Exercitui dux strenuus et peritus belli magno usu est; nam exercitus sine duce corpus est sine spiritu. "to the army"|leader|energetic||skilled in war|||great experience|||army|without||body||without|spirit The captain vigorous and skilled in the use of a great war; The army without a leader for the body without the spirit. 彼は精力的な軍司令官であり、戦争の専門家です。というのは、指導者のいない軍隊は精神のない肉体と同じだからである。 O chefe de vigorosa e qualificado para a utilização de uma grande guerra; O exército sem um líder para o corpo sem o espírito. Pausanias non mores patrios solum, sed etiam cultum vestitumque mutavit. Pausanias||customs|ancestral customs|only|but||way of life|and clothing|"changed" Pausanias veränderte nicht nur die Manieren der Landsleute, sondern auch deren Kultus und Kleidung. Pausanias not conduct your country, but also the cultivation of dress changed. パウサニアスは同胞のマナーだけでなく、礼拝や服装も変えました。 Pausanias não conduz o seu país, mas também o cultivo de vestido mudou. Aristides cum Themistocle de principatu certavit. Aristides||Themistocles||leadership|"contended" Aristides Themistocles about the command, and fought without. アリスティデスはテミストクレスと主導権を争った。 Aristides Themistocles sobre o comando, e lutou sem. Ariovistus, dux Germanorum, in consulatu Caesaris rex atque amicus a senatu Romano appellatus est. Ariovistus||of the Germans||"in the consulship"||king|and|friend||by the senate|Roman Senate|was called| Ariovist, der Anführer der Germanen im Konsulat Caesars, wurde vom römischen Senat als König und Freund bezeichnet. , Ariovistus, who was captain of the Germans, 'king and friend' by the senate of Rome, in the consulship of Caesar, was called the. カエサル執政官時代のドイツ人の指導者アリオヴィストスは、ローマ元老院から王であり友人と呼ばれた。 , Ariovistus, que era capitão dos alemães, 'rei e amigo pelo Senado de Roma, no consulado de César, foi chamado. Terrae motus non raro terras vastant et oppida disturbant. of the earth|earthquake||rarely|the lands|devastate||towns|disturb Erdbeben verwüsten nicht selten Land und verwüsten Städte. Lay waste the lands, they demolish the towns, and by the movement of the earth, it is not uncommon. 地震によって土地が破壊され、町が混乱することも少なくありません。

Sensus quinque numeramus. "Senses"|five| Count five senses. 私たちは五感を数えます。 Contamos cinco sentidos. Magistratibus cura civitatis commendata est. "To the magistrates"|"care" or "responsibility"|of the city|entrusted to| The care of the magistrates of the city, is commended to be. 市の担当者に勧められました。 A parvis exercitibus saepe magnae copiae superatae sunt. |small|by small armies|||large forces|"overcome" or "defeated"| A small armies, often in great abundance; they were overcome by. 大軍はしばしば小さな軍隊に打ち負かされました。 Grandes forças eram frequentemente superadas por pequenos exércitos. Terribilis impetus fortium exercituum est. Terrifying|attack|brave|of the armies| Terrible attacks brave hosts. それは強大なホストの恐ろしい攻撃です。 Terríveis ataques corajosos anfitriões. Exsulta, spiritus hominis; pars spiritus dei es! Rejoice|spirit|of man||spirit|of God|you are Rejoice, the spirit of man; the spirit of God! 歓喜、人間の精神。あなたは神の霊の一部なのです!

Tuba cornu non ita similis est; nam tuba directi, cornu flexi aeris est. The trumpet|horn|"not"|||||trumpet|"straight"|curved horn|curved|of brass| The trumpet, the horn of the he is like: it is not so; For trumpet of straight, curved horn on the air. トランペットはホルンとは異なります。まっすぐなトランペットは真鍮の曲がったホルンだからです。 Boum cornua cava et curva sunt; cervorum cornua sunt solida et ramis similia. Oxen|horns|hollow||curved||"of the deer"|horns||solid||branches-like|similar to branches Cow horns hollow and crooked; antlers are solid and branches like. 牛の角は中空で曲がっています。鹿の角はしっかりしていて枝のような形をしています。 Forma et magnitudo cornuum varia est. ||size|of the horns|| The shape and size of the horns varied. 角の形や大きさも様々です。 Genua iuvenum mobilia sunt; in genibus senum non est mobilitas. Knees|youths|agile|||"in the knees"|the old|||flexibility Genoa youth in movement; There is no speed onto the elderly. 若者の膝は動きます。老人の膝には可動性がありません。

Non domus domino, sed dominus domui honori est. |house|master or lord||master of the house|to the house|for honor| It is not the master of the house, but the house owner to honor it. 家は主人のものではありませんが、家の主人は尊敬されるべきなのです。 A casa não é para o dono, mas o dono da casa deve ser homenageado. Porticus amplae ornamenta magnarum domum divium sunt. Large colonnades|spacious|decorations|of great||"of the gods"| The gallery large ornaments are Divium large house. 大きなポーチは素晴らしい家の装飾品です。 Divites in domibus splendidis habitant. the rich|||luxurious| Rich in gorgeous houses residents. お金持ちは立派な家に住んでいます。 Alcibiades educatus est in domo Periclis. Alcibiades was raised|educated, raised, trained||||Pericles' house Aldbiades reared in danger. アルキビアデスはペリクレスの家で育ちました。 Sollertes manus artificum magnificas domos divitum statuis marmoreis et picturis pulchris exornant. "Skilled" or "clever"||"of craftsmen"|magnificent|magnificent houses||adorn with statues|marble statues||paintings||adorn with Of skilled craftsmen make the rich with beautiful marble statues and paintings decorate. 熟練した職人の手によって、裕福な人々の壮麗な邸宅が大理石の彫像や美しい絵画で飾られています。 Manus manum lavat. Hand|hand| One hand washes. 片手で洗えます。

Mardonius, satrapa regius, natione Medus, regis gener, inprimis omnium Persarum et manu fortis et consilii plenus, ad Plataeas non ita magna manu Graecorum fugatus est. Mardonius|governor of province|royal|by nationality|a Mede||son-in-law|||||by a force|||of wisdom|full of||at Plataea||||||put to flight| Mardonius, the king's satraps, a Mede by nation, the king's son in law to the first place of all, and the hand of the mighty, and the counsel of the full of the Persians, the Greeks, was put to flight a large force, to the Plataeae it is not so. メディア人出身で王の太守であったマルドニウスは、ペルシア人の中でも特に王の義理の息子であり、強力な手腕と豊富な助言を持って、それほど偉大ではないギリシャ人の手によってプラタイアに追いやられた。 。 In silva, quae post hortum domus nostrae est, pinus et quercus et fagi altae sunt. ||||||||pine tree||oak tree||beech trees|tall| In the forest, the garden behind our house, the pine and oak and beech are high. 私たちの家の庭の裏の森には、背の高い松や樫の木、ブナが植えられています。 Ad quam multas artes aptae estis, manus hominum ! ||many|many skills|suited||| To secure adequate skills are human hands! おお、人々の手よ、あなたにはどれほど多くの芸術が適任なのでしょうか。