12 personer står bag misinformation til millioner
12 Personen, die für Millionen von Fehlinformationen verantwortlich sind
12 people behind millions in misinformation
12 mensen achter miljoenen aan misinformatie
For mange er sociale medier primær indgang til nyheder.
For many, social media is the primary gateway to news.
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Det udnyttes til at sprede misinformation til millioner.
|is used|||spread|||
It's used to spread misinformation to millions.
Dem, der står bag? Det er overraskende få.
The people behind it? Surprisingly few.
De her 12 coronaskeptikere og antiwaxere -
||corona skeptics||anti-vaxxers
These 12 corona skeptics and anti-waxers
- er alternative behandlere, advokater og influencere.
- are alternative practitioners, lawyers and influencers.
De har stået for 65 % af den antivaccine-misinformation -
They have been responsible for 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation
- der er blevet spredt ud til USA's 330 mio. indbyggere.
- that have been distributed to the 330 million inhabitants of the United States.
Det er konklusionen i en rapport fra Center for Countering Digital Hate.
||the conclusion|||||||Countering||
This is the conclusion of a report from the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
I en periode på seks uger -
For a period of six weeks.
- analyserede de 812.000 opslag og delinger om anti-vaccination.
- analyzed the 812,000 anti-vaccination posts and shares.
Hurtigt kunne de indsnævre dem, der stod bag 2/3 misinformationen -
||||||||the misinformation
Quickly, they were able to narrow down who was behind 2/3 of the misinformation
- til en gruppe på 12 personer, alle sammen antiwaxere.
- to a group of 12 people, all anti-waxers.
På Facebook stod de 12 for 73 % af de misinformerende opslag.
On Facebook, the 12 accounted for 73% of misinformative posts.
Det var alt fra påstande om, at corona var et scam -
It was everything from claims that corona was a scam
- til udsagn om vaccinernes påvirkning af fertiliteten -
|statements||the vaccines'|impact on||fertility
- to statements about the impact of vaccines on fertility
- og manipulerende kampagner i minoritetsmiljøer.
|manipulative|campaigns||minority communities
- and manipulative campaigns in minority communities.
Men rapporten indeholdt ikke kun en afsløring af de få bagmænd.
But the report didn't just expose the few backers.
De kom også med en opfordring:
They also made a request:
"Slet de 12 personers konti, da de overtræder jeres retningslinjer."
||accounts|accounts|||violate your guidelines||
"Delete the 12 people's accounts as they are violating your guidelines."
Facebook havde i 2020 inden undersøgelsen -
In 2020, before the survey, Facebook had -
- nedsat et tilsynsråd for at undgå den slags.
||supervisory board|||||
- set up a supervisory board to prevent this from happening.
Det består af jurister, journalister, aktivister og tidligere politikere.
It consists of lawyers, journalists, activists and former politicians.
Blandt andre vores tidligere statsminister.
Among others, our former prime minister.
Facebook har nedsat rådet, men kalder det uafhængigt.
Facebook has set up the council, but calls it independent.
Zuckerberg omtaler det som "Facebooks højesteret".
|||||supreme court
Zuckerberg refers to it as "Facebook's Supreme Court".
Men afgørelserne har ikke juridisk autoritet.
|the decisions||||authority
But the decisions do not have legal authority.
En måned senere tjekkede folkene fra rapporten -
A month later, the people from the report checked
- om Facebook og de andre havde fulgt deres opfordring.
- whether Facebook and the others had heeded their call.
De var ikke imponerede.
They were not impressed.
10 af de 12 antiwaxere havde stadig konti på Facebook og Twitter.
10 of the 12 anti-waxers still had accounts on Facebook and Twitter.
9 af dem var fortsat på Instagram.
9 of them were still on Instagram.
På en måned havde de delt 105 nye indlæg -
In one month, they had shared 105 new posts
- der overtrådte retningslinjerne og nåede ud 29 mio. brugere.
|violated|the guidelines|||||
- that violated the guidelines and reached 29 million users.
Få måneder senere kommenterede USA's præsident rapporterne.
|||commented on|||the reports
A few months later, the US President commented on the reports.
Efter Bidens udmelding reagerede Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg.
Following Biden's announcement, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg reacted.
Samtidig udsendte Facebook en pressemeddelelse -
At the same time, Facebook issued a press release
- hvor de kaldte rapporterne om de 12 antiwaxere for fejlbehæftede.
- where they called the reports on the 12 anti-waxers flawed.
De havde slettet over 36 sider og konti på Facebook og Instagram -
They had deleted over 36 pages and accounts on Facebook and Instagram
- relateret til de 12 personer, som havde overtrådt retningslinjerne.
- related to the 12 individuals who had violated the guidelines.
70 % af de 16-24-årige -
70% of 16-24 year olds
- får nyheder fra bl.a. Facebook, Instagram og YouTube.
- gets news from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more.
Udfordringen med misinformation ser ud til at blive større.
The challenge of misinformation seems to be getting bigger.
Det er en catch-22 at slette opslag og konti som en løsning.
Deleting posts and accounts as a solution is a catch-22.
Når et opslag fjernes, eller en profil lukkes -
When a post is removed or a profile is closed
- vil folkene bag bare poste nyt materiale -
- the people behind will just post new material
- hvor budskaberne er modereret lidt.
|the messages||moderated a bit|
- where the messages are slightly moderated.
De 12 personer bag misinformationen -
The 12 people behind the misinformation
- er stadig aktive på Facebook, Instagram eller Twitter.
- are still active on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Skal det her reguleres fra politisk hånd -
|||be regulated|||
Should this be regulated by politicians?
- eller skal man lade platformene regulere sig selv?
||||the platforms|||
- or should you let the platforms regulate themselves?
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